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"I've been working with Laura on Zoom for several months and the experience has been invaluable.  I hadn't imagined it would be possible for remote sessions to so powerfully and specifically address my pain and discomfort and to provide, over the time of working with Laura, so much relief.  And the sessions give me so many tools to deal with my issues.  Laura is able to "read" what needs to be addressed by listening to my descriptions (even when pretty vague) and watching my movements on Zoom and demonstrating to me what I can explore and try out as adjustments and strengtheners.  She can see with astounding acuity what is happening in my body by watching me move over Zoom and, really, it is as if she were there in the room with me.  I don't know how she does it but she does.  We  adjust the screen angles periodically and working with her one becomes fluent in those simple technical matters.  I have found it a gift that Laura is willing to provide sessions remotely and they have been as beneficial to me as if I were in her office (but no commute time).  Only someone who knows the body so intimately and precisely could do this, but Laura is a genius of the body and all that knowledge and skill comes into play to make the Zoom sessions , and what they teach me, remarkable." Pat W


" When in-person physical therapy shut down in February because of Covid-19, I worried about how to keep back- and hip-pain in check.  Using her amazing analytical skills combined with her comprehensive knowledge of how the human body works, Laura crafted exercises — mainly isometric — that imitated those deep muscle massages that her magic fingers had performed before.  Like transcribing music for one instrument to another.  And they were specifically for me.  Nothing was formulaic.   The result?  I have been almost entirely without pain for weeks.  And I’ve learned a great deal about my own body so that now I can rid myself of pain when needed.  I’m not sure I want to return to the old way." S

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