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Controlled Articular Rotations or CARs are the optimal tool for joint health. Through gentle pain free movements your joints gain improved nutrition, circulation, nervous system representation and maintain available ranges.

Your body prioritizes repairing and improving tissues that you use frequently, and the connective tissues of the joint capsules are nourished by movement. Conversely, anything you do not use will not be well maintained: you gradually “lose” a range of motion when you neglect to use it, and your nervous system gets worse at controlling ranges you do not use often.

A daily routine where you move each of your joints through full pain free ranges of motion will give your body the stimulus it needs to maintain and improve your joints and sharpen your control over them. Your body is not going to waste its energy and resources maintaining ranges you do not use.

For most of us, our days are spent in very limited positions. Think about how much range our shoulder joint has and then try to remember the last time you truly explored the outer limits of this motion. Often we are unaware of limitations until we ask our shoulder to spend time in an end range such as painting a ceiling or reaching into the back seat of a car.

With daily CARs, you are giving your body the message that you want to use ALL your joints throughout ALL their ranges.


Follow along- 30 minute session offered four times a week. Opportunity to have a specific time to perform your CARs. Limited time for questions. Class held on Zoom
Price $11 tax included
email: for upcoming class times


Intensive- 60 minute session allowing for opportunity to ask questions and dive deeper into joint movement. Participants will be limited to 5. Class held on Zoom
Price $22 tax included
email: for upcoming class times


I have recorded videos walking through CARS sequences for each joint.

CARS Overview

An overview of CARs. CLick the button below to view the whole cars playlist

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